Sitek, KevinGraduate Student

    Kevin Sitek

    Graduate Student

    43 Vassar Street, Office: 46-4037
    Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
    Connect: ResearchGate / Google Scholar / Twitter / Harvard Profile


    Ph.D., Speech and Hearing Biosciences and Technology, Harvard University, Expected 2018
    B.A., Linguistics & Cognitive Science, UC Berkeley, 2011


    Kevin is a graduate student working with Dr. Satra Ghosh in the Harvard-MIT Doctoral Program in Speech & Hearing Bioscience & Technology. He is interested in auditory processing in speech motor control. Kevin’s primary research project involves mapping the subcortical auditory pathway with diffusion MRI tractography.

    Kevin is also involved in the Voice and Depression study, which investigates the neural underpinnings for speech production changes that occur in major depressive disorder.

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