Romeo, Rachel R.Research Affiliate

    Rachel R. Romeo

    Research Affiliate

    Connect: WebsiteResearchGate / PubMed


    Ph.D., Speech and Hearing Biosciences and Technology, Harvard University, 2018
    CCC-SLP, MGH Institute of Health Professions, 2015
    MSc. Language Sciences, University College London, 2012
    B.A., Psychology and Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania, 2011


    Dr. Romeo is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Development and Program in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science at the University of Maryland College Park, where she directs the Language, Experience, and Development (LEAD) lab. She investigates how children’s early experiences, both favorable and adverse, influence their neural, cognitive, and academic development, with a specific focus on language and literacy development. Her lab combines methods from developmental psychology, cognitive neuroscience (including structural and functional brain imaging), and direct educational interventions to study how young brains adapt to varying environments and lead to unique developmental paths. She is especially interested in socioeconomic differences in development, and how translational cognitive neuroscience may better support educational equity.

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