The Learning, Expectation, and Perception Study (LEAP)

Researchers in the Gabrieli Lab at MIT are using non-invasive brain imaging to investigate how the brain perceives and processes faces and sounds.

We hope that this research will further our understanding of perceptual differences in individuals with autism and that this understanding will one day improve our ability to diagnose and treat these disorders.

What is my commitment?

Total participation in this study will consist of one 3-hour visit to MIT:
– a brain imaging session that will last approximately 1.5 – 2 hours.
– a behavioral session where you will complete a series of surveys and computer tasks (approximately 45 minutes – 1 hour).
We will do our best to schedule study visits around your schedule.

Participation: We are currently recruiting adults ages 18 to 45, with or without a diagnosis of autism, to participate in this study.


You will receive a $20 per hour for the behavioral session, and $30 per hour for the brain imaging session in the form of gift cards to

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