Abraham, Sanu AnnTechnical Associate

    Sanu Ann Abraham

    Technical Associate

    43 Vassar Street, Office: 46-5094
    Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
    Email: sanuann@mit.edu
    Connect: LinkedIn


    M.S., Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering, Specialization- Computer Vision & Embedded Systems, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, India, 2014


    My current work mainly focuses on enabling reproducibility by design, developing tools necessary for reproducible analysis. I work on the ‘describe’ module of Repronim, developing Brainverse – an open-source, cross-platform desktop application to enable researchers to manage, track and share information in a comprehensive format. I also contribute to the development of NIDM (Neuroimaging Data Model) workflows module, defining extensions to the W3C PROV standard for the domain of human brain mapping. In the past, I have worked as a Software developer, Research Engineer (Robotics) and a VLSI Engineer. My research interests span computational neuroscience, computer vision and AI.

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