By William H. Gaddes (Author), Dorothy Edgell (Author), G.W. Hynd (Foreword)
Publisher: Springer; 3rd edition (September 3, 1993)
ISBN-10: 0387940413
ISBN-13: 978-0387940410
The present edition of this book is a revision and expansion of the first two editions which appeared in 1980 and 1985. More than half of the present volume includes new material, and what has been retained from the former editions has been largely rewritten and updated with new research findings. A completely new chapter has been added on “Attention Deficit Disorder. ” The author of the earlier editions (W.H.G.) has been joined by a coauthor (D.E.), and their combined elementary, high school, and university teaching and clinical experience totals approximately seventy-five years. Both of us have directed our professional energies to understanding the puzzle of human learning, especially academic learning, of those students who, despite apparently normal intelligence and opportunity, have varying degrees of difficulty in acquiring ideas and skills that are easily mastered by others.