The Gabrieli Lab is committed to producing research with translational applications to parents, educators, and clinicians who work with children. By partnering with local organizations, schools, and clinics in the Boston area, we hope to expand the impact of our research beyond MIT to improve the lives of children with developmental and learning disabilities. This page is dedicated to sharing resources with parents and educators looking to learn more about LD, ADHD, and how neuroscience can help us better understand struggling learners.
Have a suggestion to add to our page? We are always happy to receive feedback, and would gladly add further resources or recommended readings to our page. Please contact with suggestions for additions to our resources page!
Learn more about your brain, and the tools we use to study brains at Massachusetts Institute of Technology!
Connect with local organizations, learn more about learning disabilities and ADHD, and find resources for parents of children with LD in the Greater Boston Area.
Check out our recommended reading lists for kids, parents, and educators!