The Vaping study examines the neural mechanisms of craving in vaping addictions. Using fMRI, the study aims to identify specific biomarkers in the brain responsible for craving in addiction to help us predict vaping relapse and target the mechanisms of addiction.

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Participants will schedule a 1.5 hour fMRI session at the Athinoula A. Martinos Imaging Center at MIT. While inside the MRI scanner, participants will complete a craving-inhibition cue reactivity task. This task consists of watching various videos, either vaping related or neutral. Prior to each video, the participant will receive instructions to either suppress or allow feelings of craving in response to vaping videos. Following each video, participants are then asked to rate their level of craving.

Participation: Those eligible are individuals who have a history of vaping and have participated in a vaping cessation program at the Center for Addiction Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, or individuals with no history of vaping.


Participants will be compensated $100 for their time.

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