Summer @ MIT (SUMMIT)

SUMmer @ MIT is a free summer program we have designed with the Cambridge Public Schools (CPS) and the Department of Human Services to understand how children learn during the summer, a time when there is often learning loss in reading and in math. This is especially important for children who are already struggling with learning.

Participants will attend the summer program Monday – Friday from July 8th – August 16th, 2019.  The program has morning academic (math or reading) instruction and afternoon extracurricular summer activities.

What is my commitment?

In addition to attending the summer program, We are asking families to join us before and after the summer program for visits at MIT to measure learning. Our team has collectively worked with thousands of children in similar studies. Our personnel are highly trained on all study parts, including brain imaging and measuring learning.  Watch a video below explaining how children in our studies undergo safe brain imaging.

Session 1 will include reading and math activities working 1:1 with a trained team member.

Session 2 will include child-friendly and safe brain imaging.

Both sessions will occur before the summer program in May – July and after the summer program in August – September.

This is the first summer that SUMMIT is offered, and it will also be offered in the summer of 2020 to eligible students.

Participation: We are currently recruiting students in grade 1 or 2.


Children can take home pictures of their brain and get to be an MIT junior scientist for the day. Families can also request scores from the reading and math activities to take home. Each family will bring home up to $300 for completing these activities.

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