Brain Bases of Reading and Math (RAISE/MIND)

The Gabrieli Lab is currently investigating the neural correlates of learning difficulties in collaboration with The Brain, Education, and Mind (BEAM) Lab at the MGH Institute of Health Professions.

By analyzing differences in brain structure and function in 2nd-5th grade students, we hope to help distinguish mechanisms contributing to reading, math, and attention difficulties (i.e. dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD).


Math, Imaging, Neuroscience, and Dyslexia

Why is it that students who struggle with reading often also struggle with math? The MIND study explores comorbidities between dyslexia and dyscalculia (math disability), using fMRI imaging techniques to examine differences in brain activity when children are engaged in reading and math tasks.

Brain Bases of Reading and Math (RAISE/MIND)

Reading and Attention for Individual Student Excellence

How are reading and attention-related in the brain? Using fMRI imaging to explore differences in neural pathways related to reading and attention, the RAISE study explores comorbidity between dyslexia and ADHD. We hope that findings from this study will help us better understand why these challenges often co-occur in struggling learners.

What is my commitment?

You and your child will come to MIT for two study visits:

Session 1: Your child will complete neuropsychological assessments of reading, math, memory, and language, and will play computer games with a researcher. A parent or guardian will complete a short set of questionnaires about your child’s developmental history, personality, and family circumstances. Your child may also participate in a short neurological screening with one of our staff neurologists.

Session 2: Your child will participate in a safe brain imaging session using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology. Your child will be asked to play computer games while participating in this MRI session.

We are happy to schedule study visits around your schedule, including weekday evenings and weekends. Parents can choose to receive a score report outlining their child’s reading, math, and cognitive performance following the neuropsychological evaluation portion of this study.

Participation: We are currently recruiting 3rd-6th graders to participate in this research!


Participants will receive Amazon gift cards for their participation. Children will receive up to $150 in gift cards for completing study sessions. We will also provide transportation assistance, either in the form of free parking or up to $10 cash to travel via MTBA/taxi.

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