Qi, ZhenghanResearch Affiliate

    Zhenghan Qi

    Research Affiliate

    43 Vassar Street, Office: 46-4033
    Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
    Email: zqi@mit.edu
    Connect: Website / ResearchGate / Google Scholar / QLab


    Ph.D., Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2012
    M.D., Basic Medicine, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, 2006


    After finishing my postdoc training at Gabrieli lab in 2017, I started as an assistant professor at the University of Delaware in the Department of Linguistics & Cognitive Science. I also hold joint appointments at the Department of Psychology & Brain Sciences and Communication Sciences and Disorders Program. My research goal is to understand the neurobiological organization of language in the human brain. I use a variety of behavioral (eye-tracking) and neuroimaging techniques (fMRI, MEG, EEG, and DTI) to study the relationship between language learning, cognitive skills, and brain development in both children and adults.

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